Dear members

TROFEO TICINO, the one and only regular spontaneous Cocktail Competition in Switzerland AND the one and only regular Cocktail Competition in Svizzera Italiana will be held this year 18th of september in PALACINEMA Locarno, Ristorante Movie.

We are looking forward to a large scale of «Movie Star» inspired cocktails, spontaneously created and prepared in an authentic cinema atmosphere by bartenders working in Ticino and of course,  by members of SBU Swiss Barkeeper Union.

The winner of this competition will be delegated to International Golden Cup Taiwan in November (condition: of a SBU membership),




Flairbartenders:  Please, find attached the new SBU Flair rules for SCC 23!



Rind Carpaccio mit Grana Käse und Rucola

Vegi = Gemüse Carpaccio würziger Ricotta


Gnocchetti Sardi Pasta mit weissem Luganighetta ragù

Vegi = Gnocchetti Sardi Pasta mit rotem Pesto


Rinds Brasato mit Merlot, Tessiner Polenta und grüne Bohnen mit Speck

Vegi = Quorn mit Merlot Sauce, Tessiner Polenta und grüne Bohnen


Schokoladen Terrine mit Ananas und Vanille Eiscreme